Selasa, 21 Februari 2006

Posted by Unknown |
what's wrong with the world today? make that philippines, on a local scale...

turn on the tv and sad, devastating, draining news are thrown at you...

  • the last ultra stampede victim was buried the other day. the agony for those left behind does not end there though.

  • families of those buried alive in the leyte mudslide are losing hope that there is still life beneath the monstrous dirt.

  • can't imagine how an entire village was engulfed in mud... and they were helpless.

  • another mud/landslide in zamboanga... illegal loggers blamed...

  • loggers gain at the expense of human life... not too much life... only 1,800+ just ditched in dirt. and some more when other mountains collapse soon.

  • mayon volcano shows signs that it will errupt some time soon.

  • students of st. andrew's school rushed to hospital for mercury poisoning.

  • magdalo group threatens malacaƱang of a bloody event on friday. residents near malacaƱang advised to vacate the area by friday.

  • makes me think...

    ~ my rants are trivial.

    ~ there are bigger issues in the world than my sighs and "problems"... or are they problems at all?

    ~ there are other people with worse burdens than my so called personal dilemmas.

    ~ so when i feel like complaining, i will swallow them instead.

    ~ my private circle is a mere dot amidst the vast matters of the universe that ACTUALLY MATTER.


    Kamis, 16 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    the best life lifter... jimela. what's more? jimela gives the sweetest hugs and kisses! she calls me ate tat and kuya says she always looks for ate tat. can i just keep you? hihi...

    Posted by Unknown |
    found an interesting piece at the bus on my way home from work. looks like a screw or something and i noticed it was staring at me. hihi paranoid?

    Rabu, 15 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    this is becoming a journal of my sleeping pattern... how interesting. argh.

    9am, my body was dying hehe. i was really tired and i had to lie down and be dead for a while. i had a couple of startling moments 'cause it's beginning to feel like summer here... and i moved closer to the fan... and drowned back to sleep.

    by 6pm, my alarm rang and... i snoozed it - every 9 minutes until 8pm. lousy girl.

    Senin, 13 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    *yawn... i've been trying to get some sleep since 9am. time check: 2pm. what's wrong with me... feeling a little hot... and when i turn the fan on, i feel cold. sigh. my mom gets these signs... 'cause she's menopausing. could it be... i'm menopausing too? hihi.

    hey! it's valentine's day! happy valentine's day, everyone! it's a nice day (except for the absence of sleep. darn it)...

    hmmm... got my mom orange roses. nice... so bright! :) there are ferreros from kuya and strawberry pudding from ma. this day (and the following more days) will be sweet hihi. craving for blueberry cheesecake too!

    no date tonight - work instead... neither for the coming weekend - my fartner's on an outing.

    i sooo want to sleep...

    thinking about it... thinking about it... give me strength and courage. i won't mind... would i? think more...

    Rabu, 08 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    A - Available: yeah... for mikey only

    B - BEST FRIENDS: maricor and donna and harbie and thecx and michie

    C - CRUSH: wala?

    D- DADS NAME: leandro


    F - FAVORITE BAND: hmmm... marami eh

    G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORM: bears

    H - Hometown: paranaque

    I - INSTRUMENT: piano

    K - KIDS: I want some in the future

    L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: hmmm... baguio

    M - MILK FLAVOR: strawberry

    N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 bros

    O - ONE WISH: world peace woohoo

    P - PHOBIAS: I dont think I have any....

    Q - FAVORITE QUOTE: hummm... don't have any... boring no?

    R - REASON TO SMILE: i have a great family

    S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: save me

    T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 730pm

    U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT YOU: i have other blogs hihi

    V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: kamote

    W- WORST HABITS: procrastinate

    X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth and lungs

    Y - YUMMY FOOD: strawberries

    Z - ZODIAC SIGN: leo

    ****Everyone has their firsts...****

    First real best friend: omg carmela dizon

    First school: st. bernadette's school

    First Cell phone: Nokia 6110

    First pet: lucky

    First piercing/tattoo: My ears/no tatto

    First big trip: hmmm... HK/China/Macau with my mom... my 1st out of the country trip hihi.

    First flight: to Boracay when i was 15?

    First Celebrity Love: ely buendia? omg

    First time out of the country: 2004

    First job: spi

    First fight: most probably with my kuya!

    ****Everyone has their lasts...****

    Last person you hugged: mikey

    Last car ride: hmmm... when i went to... omg i can't remember!

    Last time you cried: the day of the ultra stampede... and that same day when i watched magnifico

    Last movie you watched: Narnia

    Last person of the opposite sex that you talked to: mikey

    Last item bought: arroz caldo sa kepsi

    Last shirt worn: this yellow shirt

    Last phone call: mikey

    Last text message: mikey

    Last thing you touched: keyboard

    Last time at the mall: last saturday

    Last time you were excited about something: when maricor and donna and i were talking about bora plans

    Last person you saw: cecil

    Last thing you drank: beri juice

    Last thing you typed: beri juice

    Last time u swore: can't remember

    Last Person that broke your Heart: somebody

    Last time you have been truly happy: right now
    Posted by Unknown |
    how i feel today: very full. yum... relaxed... at the same time frustrated. can't seem to find my copy of smallville 05-5. yeah... i'm waaaay behind! frustrated pa because of waiting... ever!

    yesterday, maricor and i went back to dangwa to finish off the trade for my friend's flowers (yaigs iba sa pandinig). on my way home, i found the post office in lawton. maricor's instruction last wednesday was to get off the fx when i see the post office. problem is, i don't know where the post office is... so there it was... nakita ko nga sya. how could i not know a structure so grand?

    i realized that though i grew up in manila (pque, that is), there are so many places up (semi)north that i'm not aware of. i mean lawton and sta. cruz and quiapo are mere board signs i see in vehicles but i don't really know where they are (back then). the farthest i'm familiar with is vito cruz... isama mo na ang pedro gil - when, way back college, we would "wander off elsewhere" (in short mag cut ng class to watch movies hehe. ay mas mahaba pala un).

    when was the last time i visited luneta? or have i actually been there? manila zoo? the national museum? planetarium? so many places to go to... so little time and so little knowledge hehe.

    but hey! can i just add that i'm a pro in paranaque and las pinas? i know a little of makati and cavite and valenzuela and sta. rosa (ay via shuttle pala yun) and... ummm... i can go to mindoro and puerto galera by myself! haven't tried that yet though. ummm... and i've travelled from ohio to new york (and back) ALONE! hehe!

    well... i'm not a manila girl after all... ano ako then? probinsyana? bwahaha!

    Selasa, 07 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    how i feel today: i feel so tamad. i dunno why, but i really had to drag myself out of bed tonight. anyways, i'm here at the office now and i'm psyching myself that this will be a beautiful day... and i'll be productive today.

    somebody asked for a favor... that somebody asked me to canvass for a couple of flowers for that somebody's lover for valentine's day hihihi. oh well, i've done a couple of inquiries and some are kinda expensive pa rin... so maricor and i went to dangwa this morning just to ask around.

    and well, it was a wonderful sanctuary of flowers... perfect sana kaso there are just some people who intend to deceive and take advantage of unsuspecting consumers.

    si manong. i told him about the plan. he estimated this amount but i wasn't familiar with the trade there so i thought it was a good deal. i gave him my number and all. we noticed though that he was insisting for a down payment even if i clearly told him i need my friend's approval first... and he insisted that we go home na. well probably so we couldn't ask around.

    kami pa? e stubborn kami?! bwahaha... so ayun. mega inquire pa kami sa iba... and true enough, overpriced and estimate ni manong. for the other shop, i'll call it manang's shop (hehe very creative names i've got here), the estimate was half that of manong's estimate... bad manong.

    well, i still need my friend's approval before i go for it. so i'll probably go back tom. the problem is, what if manong sees us? hihi. i better wear a trashbag on my head. shucks... makapili itu.

    Minggu, 05 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
  • yesterday... was perfect. =) the start was not-so-good... but it ended well. =) all smiles.

  • the aftermath of the stampede... still devastating but we all have to move on and learn from all these.

  • i was blog-hopping last night. clicked on the next blog button and random blogs popped up... and i left comments to people i don't know... =) i was amazed at how diverse people could be. nice to read others' thoughts.

  • i had a dream about this street number. it was so clear and the number was stuck in my mind 'til now. lotto it is! hehe i was so confident i'd win the jackpot. hehe i didn't. hello?!?

  • another monday... another shift in my sleeping hours.

  • sometimes, i get tired of listening to stupid questions.. i know there are no stupid questions. believe me... THERE ARE! am i bad? i just lose control sometimes and think that way. there are curious questions. yeah... some are just plain stupid. (not the person... but the question). and yuh... i ask them too... sometimes.

  • amoy imburnal dito ngayon. maui, the plumber, is fixing our drainage. our bathroom's all clogged... and the toilet... shucks... the toilet. you have to wait in vain... are you or are you not gonna flush? hihi ang baboy.

  • that's it. =)
  • Sabtu, 04 Februari 2006

    Posted by Unknown |
    got home at around 8am and noli de castro's voice was airing over the radio... reporting that something has gone really wrong over at ULTRA. and i was really dazed and had to go to sleep.

    when i woke up, the same bad news was aired over at tv patrol. apparently, the ULTRA has a 10k capacity but around 20k people rushed to watch the 1st year anniversary of wowowie and somehow hope that they could bag some of the prizes the show was supposed to give away today. stampede = major uh oh...

    and so the hope twisted to a nightmare for the almost 70 dead people, hundreds injured, missing, and thousands who don't even know how they could go back to their respective provinces and homes. one couple only had the bunny bag of their daughter left as a memory... others were trembling with trauma and disbelief... others were wailing and mourning... everything was just so sad.

    it was terrifying just seeing their faces and hearing their cries over the tv... what more if you were there. with every scene, my mom and i just dabbed our eyes... tears of sympathy and sorrow. i don't even want to imagine how it would feel like to search for your loved one among the lifeless bodies, wrapped in white linens, lined on the hospital floor. and how would it feel like to search for your loved one's face... among those sorrowed and pained faces that they flashed on a monitor in a funeral parlor. this was where they brought the unidentified bodies...

    and after the news, magnifico was up on abscbn and i got curious of the plot. nothing fancy, nothing new. the same filipino film - drama and culture all. except it effectively portrayed a heart so pure and clean and generous... and i wouldn't mind recommending this film to everyone in my network. it's not only a tear jerker but i guess (and hope) it will move us away from selfishness, instead drive us towards love and compassion and caring.

    my eyes are swollen now... i swear... it was a good cry... and i'm having mixed emotions today... i'm hungry... it's a very windy day...

    tomorrow's the fifth of feb... and will mark our 9th month together. heck. am i supposed to say i'm looking forward for a bright day? how could i hope for a bright day after the horrible accident. this is rather inappropriate... out of place... mixed emotions, right?...