Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Posted by Unknown |
We've been briefed (or warned for the pessimists) that life in New Zealand could be pretty relaxed (or boring for the pessimists).  Malls close at 5PM on most days of the week, as if telling people to just stay at home with your family.  The other day, I asked Mike if he is starting to feel bored here.  He said no.  I feel the same way.  Hehehe.  Life has been good so far!

Here are some random beautiful things that I've witnessed for the past month:

One of the many full rainbows I've seen from our window and elsewhere.  The picture doesn't give justice to the beauty of the rainbow, sorry!

Wednesday is garbage collection day.  Isn't it so organised?

An abundance of lemons from our neighbour's backyard.  If only we could pick some so they won't go to waste! :p

One of those gloomy days.  Rain for me is bad news.  And so is howling wind.  In my opinion, nobody should be outdoors when the weather gets this crazy.

The local bus!  It's pretty much the same with SG buses but the timings could make commute time really complicated.  Fares are rather expensive here too when compared to SG fares.  I guess it's because cars are really affordable so not a lot of people rely on public transport.  If you don't have a hop card (like the SG Ezlink), you could always pay in cash and the driver will be more than happy to give you change.  Unlike in SG where you have to pay the exact fare.  I love how people are very courteous and appreciative to the driver.  On hopping into and off the bus, people greet and say thank you to the driver.  Very nice :)

The train platform at Panmure Station - again I am reminded of Zurich train stations.  The platforms look similar but the trains (and timings) are very different.

The train ride will show you scenes like the following, all from the Meadowbank Basin:

On a sunny day, a walk at the Auckland Ferry Station seems so right.  We saw a lot of people sunbathing here on a sunny Sunday :)

Sunny days are just divine!

A tree in full bloom.

A laundry perfect weather makes me happy.  

This is my jogging route on one of the clear days.

And dusk isn't that bad - taken at north western motorway on our way to church.

On to more beautiful random things!

Senin, 25 Agustus 2014

Posted by Unknown |
This is how long Mike and I have been here in freaking cold Auckland.  Freaking cold for people like us who hail from the tropical islands of the Philippines, and Singapore - which is just as warm.  It's freaking cold here because we arrived during winter, but it's not that bad.  I'm actually starting to like it!

I feel bad for not posting for the last 3 months.  A lot of things happened, each month worth remembering.

On June, I went home to the Philippines for a three-week vacation.  The highlight of which was the road trip to Pagudpod with Mike, Mami, and Kuya Panoy.  Although the rainy season beat us in getting to Pagudpod, it was a particularly memorable trip because I got to spend it with Mami.  Might take a while before we bond again.

On July, Mike and I went back to Singapore to spend time with family and friends.  It was a good month mostly because I got to attend to my auntie duties to my dear Keyla.  For a month, I got to be her yaya.  Every moment was sweet and I wouldn't mind doing it again and again.  For the last two weeks, Mami and Wawin also went to Singapore so we could be complete prior to our departure for New Zealand.

You probably couldn't imagine the agony of the day we had to part.  Everybody was in tears, as if we won't see each other again.  Partly it's true because we don't know yet when we could be complete again.  It sounds really dramatic but it's true: every single day, I dreaded for the day we'll say "see you again"... and it came.  But hey, everybody survived :).  Nobody had a heart attack and we are all fine as I speak.

A special shout out for our Singapore friends: Jan, Marco (and Marco's mom), Ann, Raffa, and Gina for being with us at the airport on our last day.  They became our family in the absence of our "real" family.  Somehow the "real" family disappeared and nobody was there to send us off.  Unbelievable :p

And now I sit here, smiling, being very thankful for how "easy" the first month has been.  Fairly easy.  God is good!

On the 21st of July, we landed safely in Auckland.  I am the queen of paranoia.  I imagined that the customs officers would ask us to open all our luggages while they scan every item.  I imagined I would stammer trying to defend that we don't have any suspicious article in our bags.  Capital P for praning.  Getting out of the airport was really a breeze.  I felt that the officers were all very friendly. Even the security dogs were friendly!  There was really nothing to be scared of :)

Philip, Mike's best bud, gave us a quick tour of the city.  The city was a melting pot of people of different races.  Loved how I was reminded of Zurich.  It must be the weather. :)

On the 2nd day, I was down with flu and a very bad cough.  Hanep!  Great timing :p So I was pretty much helpless and boring for our six-day stay in the city.  The blessing here is that Mike didn't catch the terrible virus.

On the 7th day, we found an apartment in a suburb (Mount Wellington) that we now share with flatmates.

And the  best news is that Mike and I found ourselves magically employed :) Mike is working part-time and I will start working on the 1st of September.  Somebody received very special birthday presents, right? :)

Everything else that happened in between is just so sweet.  Grocery shopping using carry-on luggage (we don't have a car :p), cooking meals, going to nearby parks, walking under the sun (and having migraines afterwards), shopping for essentials, going to the not-so-nearby mall, jogging... all sweet.

We now look forward to spring.  I now declare: good things happen on spring :) and also on summer, fall, and winter!  Love love love!