Kamis, 16 September 2004

Posted by Unknown |
I feel sick today. My head aches and I’m not really in the mood to be cheerful today. I feel cold and unwell. I just want to lie down and sleep some more. =(

Woke up at 3am because my bed was shaking rather hard (or was I just sleeping lightly, I was thinking a lot about you-know-who before I slept), and then it hit me that we’re having an earthquake. I have this terrible fear of earthquakes but I managed to stay calm. I sat up on my bed and had my slippers on just in case I had to dash out my room. It lasted for less than a minute, but I was really terrified. Oh well, it ended eventually and I was just too sleepy to feel afraid.

I was cleaning my stuff some weeks ago and I found The Purpose Driven Life book, along with a greeting card. I was supposed to send it to you-know-who last Valentine’s Day, but for some reason I wasn’t able to send it. Could it be yet another sign? I really am so stubborn. I’ve been given all the signs I asked for and yet I ignored them all. Now I have to learn it all the hard way. Last night, it’s all coming back and I was just stupid enough to entertain the thought that I miss him a lot. Look what came my way… an earthquake! I now recall all the signs God sent me years ago that he’s not the one! There are quite a lot; I pushed them all away.

It’s ironic that I’ve given about 5 copies of PDL but I haven’t actually read it yet. Maybe that’s why I wasn’t able to send it. I was supposed to read it first before I give it away. I was supposed to accept that gift first before I give it as a present to somebody else. It’s next in line after Da Vinci Code…

Hope my mood will “mutate” later on. (Yeah, I really have to use the term mutate… and I imply I’m in a bad mood?!?!?)

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