Sabtu, 01 Januari 2005

Posted by Unknown |
my second post for the year. the first one was a year ender... now i'm doing a year starter. let me recap the wonderful and not-so-wonderful events that helped shape my existence for the past year... past year? it feels odd referring to "yesterday" as "past year" hehe. anyways, i'll give it a shot:

  • wonderful: for the earlier part of the year, everything was normal. and normal meant being in a supposedly "mutual" honest commitment with someone. yup even if there was really a high level of uncertainty, i held on to something i thought was stable.

  • wonderful: we nursed 2 balikbayans last year... ate elaine, jan 2004 and kuya alain, dec 2004. that's neat! we started and ended the year by being hosts to beloved balikbayans... =)

  • wonderful: servisoft outing, outing with college chums, lagos with 2 bis (tric ride hehe)... oooh! with the 2-pc outfit! i never imagined i'd have the guts to wear that! haha kapalan lang talga ng mukha!

  • wonderful: other memorable trips: HK with ma: my first out-of-the-country trip. tagaytay with liza and riche: my first horsie-ride!

  • not-so-wonderful-at-first-but-turned-out-to-be-wonderful: come august, weeks before my birthday, i had my first heart break. yup, i guess this was the highlight of the year. having my first sagad-sa-butong emotional pain. i'm making it sound so bad no? 'cause that was how i felt then. i dunno... i guess i just felt that i was just too sheltered and i thought that was enough to shield me from the storms of dear life.

  • wonderful: having this online diary thing... aka blog. it was really cool! although i'm putting myself in a very vulnerable spot, almost allowing just anybody to go into my mind, it's a pretty good way of releasing what's inside - happy or not. oh, it's also a best chika form with my friends. o diba? aware ako sa buhay ng ibang tao! haha...

  • wonderful: boot camp! the extra-challenge-look-alike adventure i had! it was really the best! i gained a couple of good friends there and i became aware of my physical capabilities and limitations. i would love to do that again!

  • wonderful: i remember meeting and gaining a couple of new good friends and confidantes... building this really good rapport with my co-employees... and i don't remember losing any friend or having any major fight with someone. even with the one man who broke my heart.

  • wonderful: at home, everything was pretty good. usual petty quarrels and tampuhans but nothing really that catchy and alarming. everything is almost always in perfect harmony with my mom, kuya, and win.

  • not-so-wonderful-at-first-but-turned-out-to-be-wonderful: bought a pregnancy kit... the catch is... it's not for my personal use. haha as if i have a reason to use that kit! not in the next umm... 20 yrs? how could i forget the moment:

    caths *whispers: "manong, medic nga po" (medic is the brand)

    manong-mercury-drug *shouts out loud: "aaaah! yung pregnancy kit?"

    everybody else: looks discreetly at me...

    caths: duh sana lamunin na ko ng lupa!

    it was a great news... new life is always a wonderful news. =) and the wedding is a wonderful news as well!

  • not-so-wonderful:unstability in the work area. although i'm happy with the people i work with, there's always this doubt that something's bound to happen soon... nega as it may sound, i'm sensing it will not be that good. =(

  • so summing it all up, almost everything turned out to be wonderful. =) i would like to be as positive as i could be. it may not be a very spectacular year, but heck! i lived and survived with the ones i love and God is definitely this constant source of good things and blessings. and i'm trusting Him just the same that He will guide us all this year... that He will do what's best for all of us. God bless us all =).

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