Sabtu, 04 Juni 2005

Posted by Unknown |
remembering my father
june 5... my late father's birthday. if he were still with us, we would've gone to antipolo church to hear mass. it was a tradition that we had... he didn't hear sunday masses, but strived to keep up to the june-5-antipolo-day and christmas masses.

what are some of the things i associate with my father? let me recall only the good ones. give tribute to the man who almost tried his best to be a good husband and father.

  • cheek lamutak
  • when i was a kid, he used to pinch my cheeks really hard... and my mom would sternly say, "lamog na yung pisngi nyan!". but i liked it. gave me the warmest feelings - how a father expresses his affection to his daughter.

  • favorite child
  • was i? that's what they say. well, it was noticeable. maybe because i'm the only girl. maybe because i tried to keep up to his expectations as a kid. maybe because i look a lot like him. maybe...

  • kilitian blues
  • was what he did best when i was a kid. you should never ever leave your armpits exposed or else, susundutin nya talga yun hehe, and tickle you 'til you drop. hmmm... we still do that 'til now... with my 2 brothers =).

  • yosi on christmas day
  • not knowing what to give him that christmas day (around 17 yrs ago), i gave him a pack of marlboro red 'cause i knew he smokes... hehe and it was very much appreciated. lousy gift.

  • "papa, penge pera"
  • was my line every morning when i was a kid. my cue was the car engine starting up hehe... that's when i'd lean by our window and extend my palms... hehe... he would give me coins (P5 maximum) and i become the happiest kid alive hehe.

  • music and movies
  • yup he was really fond of music... jazz, in particular. he set up this neat sound system years ago... and every morning, the atmosphere around the house was really jazzy hehe. he was also fond of movies - laser disc at that time. an explosion in the film could be mistaken for an explosion inside our house... hehe he wanted it really loud!

  • on hobbies and ningas kugon
  • he had a wide array of hobbies... fishing, music, cars, sound system, 2-way radios, cell phone shop... name it, he has probably tried it - but on a ningas kugon level. haha his passion dies as soon as he has found something more interesting. this probably explains why i behave exactly like that. =) hehe

    * hmmm... as i create this post, i smell flowers... which is weird 'cause there are no flowers around me... and i'm all alone right now. hi po... =) don't scare me =)

    ok... change topic na nga...

    a month
    incidentally, we're on our first month on june 5. woohoo!

    what are some of the things i'm thankful for for the past month? (love-wise, that is)

    just about everything.

  • for being patient with my being indecisive and being fickle-minded - that's why you're decisive (at times) and firm. =)

  • for being patient with my hectic work life - that's why you get off at 5 and do the constant checking instead. =)

  • for dealing with my being childish and overly giggly - that's why you act more matured that i do... despite the fact that i'm older. =)

  • for understanding my past pains - that's why you're here with me now... the ever understanding creature. =)

  • let's quit counting months or years... it isn't an assurance that we'll be happy in the end and it's merely a figure, senseless at times. let's just live a day at a time and look forward to the best there is that fate has to offer us.

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