Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2005

Posted by Unknown |

  1. i easily get tired now when i exert physical effort. yes, the body does grow old even if the spirit opts to remain young.

  2. your mom will stand by you no matter how gaga you've been. she's the ultimate source (in human form, that is) of protection and care.

  3. a child, on the other hand, may forget item #2... and may tend to take THE mother for granted, even bring her to tears.

  4. distance may be a barrier for LOVE (not applicable to all) but it will never be even a slight challenge for true FRIENDSHIP... never ever.

  5. sometimes, love really isn't enough. the will must be way too strong to outstand anything and everything.

  6. i'm stronger now. my threshold for pain (and the tears that come along with it) has definitely improved through the years.

  7. laughter really does give the body a general feeling of wellness and lightness.

  8. no amount of skin-darkening-agents could prevent me from swimming and playing under the sun... at 25!

  9. i now know when to stop drinking anything that has alcohol in it. stop when you're too tipsy or suffer the consequences of throwing up and simulating hell for the sober ones.

  10. i should have listened to my lola when she enforced me to take my afternoon naps. at 25, you need all the sleep you could get.

  11. i still haven't mastered the art of saying how i really feel.

  12. if a person is stubborn, no amount of niceties will melt his defenses down.

  13. donna once asked me: do you work to live or do you live to work? i wasn't able to answer. and i still don't know the answer...

  14. when i'm at the peak of that mountain, i swear, i could touch the sky... i could see the entire world... i could touch the faces of the angels =)

  15. i forgot how it felt like to have a father in the house. i bet it would be weird to have one in the future.

  16. sometimes i forget to thank Him and praise Him. it doesn't feel good.

  17. i don't mind being 25 and still being that. whatever that means. red my leps hehe.

  18. people do change. sometimes we become better, sometimes we become worse... we all change...

  19. nothing beats the feeling of loving (being loved back is only secondary).

  20. there's no such thing as bad luck. we are capable of making our lives better. we should be responsible enough to face the consequences of our actions.

  21. spending time with the ones you love is the best form of removing stress in your body.

  22. don't lie. it'll do you no good.

  23. people step on you? no problem. just don't step on them.

  24. from july: "no matter how much you hate your job, never ever compromise your reputation"

  25. at 25, i couldn't ask for more... (a little more quality time with my loved ones won't hurt, though)

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