Kamis, 03 Agustus 2006

Posted by Unknown |
1. Start Time : 509AM
2. Name: caths
3. Nickname: caths
4. If u wer a skittle wat color wud u be: purple
5. Chinese Zodiac: monkey
6. Zodiac: leo
7. Hair color: dark brown
8. Eye color: dark brown
9. Height: 5 ft
10. Favorite Color: light violet... lilac ba
11. glasses?: none
12. Braces?: none
13. Piercing/tattoos?: on ears lang
15. Area code: 02

******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: eyebrows
18. Did you do something in the past month
that you regret? no naman
20. Kissed someone who isn't ur gf or bf?:
oh yeah
21. Skipped school?: yeah
22. Bungee jumped?: i'd love to
23. Had sex outside?: not yet
24. Dumped someone?: dunno
25. Been arrested?: not yet
26. TP'd someone's house?: anong TP?
27. Won something?: yes - a blender
30. Been rejected?: yes
31. Been to a funeral?: yes
32. Used a lighter?: yes
33. Been on stage?: yes


34. Season: summer
35. Food: filipino food... yung may sabaw
36. Ice cream flavor: chocolate... and strawberry na rin
37. School subject(s): don't like one hahaha
38. Person?: my mom
41. Book(s): marami
42. Movie(s): marami rin
43. Song? : marami rin
44. Park?: kahit ano siguro.. basta good company
45. State: state side
46. Place: home
47. Sport to watch: basketball, swimming
49. Bands/musicians: dami e
50. Letter(s): c
51. Restaurant: marami ren e
52. Cartoon Character(s): siguro si elmo hihi pde naman syang cartoon diba
53. TV Station(s): discovery, chaka mga movie ch.

54. Name for a son: allison
55. Name for a daughter: allison

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
58. Long relationships or one night
stands?: long relationship
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies?: comedy
61. Short hair or long: long

62. Croutons or bacon bits?: bacon bits
63. Kissing or hugging: kissing


64. Mexicans: bigote
65. School: st. paul
66. Grass: green
67. Cow: black and white
68. Canada: my cousin
69. Mouse: mickey
70. Hands: hold hands!

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie?: no
72. Talked on the phone?: yes
73. Cried?: no
74. Threw up?: no
75. Drank a glass of water?: yes
76. Done Drugs?: no
77. Read a book or magazine?: yes
78. Watched TV?: yes
79. Looked in the mirror?: yes
80. Taken a shower? yes
81. Taken a picture?: no
82. Listened to music?: yes
83. Kissed someone?: shucks... no! :(
84. Told someone you liked them?: no
85. End time: 518AM

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