Selasa, 13 Februari 2007

Posted by Unknown |
the greatest pre-valentine gift i probably received was the gift of forgiveness. a good friend has been aloof for a couple of weeks now. prior to that, he has been a great colleague. we shared sincere laughter, sentiments, and real friendship. he would pass by our work area to just fool around and laugh with us and, believe it or not, to impart the greatest lessons in life.

he started to avoid us all of a sudden. we didn't know why. we had a few paranoid clues but they were, for us, too shallow to repel him like that. we exerted effort to hopefully bring back what has been lost, or to simply know why he has been acting that way. but he continued to avoid us... said he was just too stressed with work. and we took it that way and we respected his indirect request for space. we found ourselves avoiding him just the same, bowing down whenever we see him just so our eyes won't meet, and yes, lousily pretending that we didn't see each other. it sucks.

we learned that yesterday was his last day at work. we received an email from him. he was apologizing and he told us that things were out of his control, but he promised us that he would keep in touch in the following days. we were in tears - a mixture of sad and happy tears, and every emotion imaginable.

thank you for the gift of friendship and forgiveness, given on the 13th day of february, year 2007. you can't get back what you have already given, and we'll keep this as long as we can... no matter what. we love you and you'll be a friend for life. 101.9

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