Rabu, 20 Juni 2007

Posted by Unknown |
sometimes, you are exerting way too much effort on something that's not really worth it. no matter how many times you scold yourself about not thinking about it too much, about not pouting about it too much, you become too helpless and rant about it after all... which is sooo wrong.

giving your all may not be right at all times. i believe in doing your best. but i've slightly modified this belief now that i learned and i guess i know better. now i know that you have to give your best to something that's really worth it, to something that's for a better cause. now i know that your effort is just wasted if exerted on the wrong things.

so whatever happened to "give you best and God will do the rest"? it still is true, only this time i know that i'll have to choose carefully where i will pour my energies. to be wise - is a lifetime hope. 26 years of my life has passed and i'm still in nursery level in this subject --> wisdom. learning it is a painful, and sometimes excruciating, process. sometimes it strips off all your ego, all your pride, and you swallow all that's bitter and sore.

realizations... you keep on having a good dose as you get older. ;) in the end, i hope all will be well.

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