Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Posted by Unknown |
it was mother's day yesterday. the very best i could do was send my mom an sms and call her in the afternoon. it was just a regular chika, like any ordinary weekend where i'd call her and gossip like a teenager.

when i was a little girl, i used to make hand-made niceties for her on mother's day. mostly hand-made cheesy cards. it always made her cry. no matter how cheesy or corny the contents were, the cards never failed to make her cry.

todo effort, i would prepare to make the card in advance and on mother's day, i would shyly give it to her, or probably leave it on a spot where she would easily find it. decors galore! colors, glitters, cut-out papers, hala, sige mistulang art class ito.

i also used to jog with my lolo during mornings. he would urge me to pick flowers so i could give them to mom as a present when i get home. there was also a time when i crafted one of her photos so it would appear 3d. it still stands on our piano, collecting dust, but the lady in the photo is just as pretty. i wish i had her pwetty looks ;) especially the overly tangos nose. yup ako lang ang pango sa amin! haha! fine.

and then i thought today. sms and phone call? is that the best i can do?

i sent her an email. i told her that now that i'm all grown up, i will not forget that she is my mother, I will not forget that i love her, i will not forget all the sacrifices she did for us, i will not forget to thank her each day of my life, I will not forget that I should be a better person each day because that's what she wants me to be - and it's the right way to be!

yup, i'm still cheesy. yup, i know she will still cry when she reads the email. we are licensed to be cheesy when it comes to our moms. if it's for mami, it's not cheesy at all. ;p

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