Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Posted by Unknown |

6pm: i boldly told my new favorite dev, "noel, i'm going to take advantage of the "calm" moment. i am leaving now to enjoy what's left of the sun. wish you a good evening!" to this, he wished me the same. i said thanks, grabbed my bag, and left! this is the life i've missed so much! i was planning to leave at 5:45 but i had to finish some more stuff.

i was practically skipping happily on my way home! when i stepped out of suntec, i was almost blinded by the sunlight! look at this first pic! these are real shadows! it's been a while since i last saw shadows while walking home. and it's the sun making these and not some bright artificial night light!!! so nice!

and look at the mighty sun! i did my best to be discreet, else i would have looked like some lunatic taking pictures of the... sun? hehe! i lab it! i savored every minute of it. i took the long walk to the mrt instead of riding the bus so the sun could kiss me just a little bit more before it sets.

and look at the lovely tabing-ilog! at night, this is just a dark walkway. i really think it looks lovely with the daylight on ;) there's a good breeze blowing and a very faint drizzle while i was walking. the estero didn't smell that good but i didn't care. this is my happy moment today.

... only to be spoiled by someone. i ended up doing someone else's chores at home. so much for going home early. i thought i'll have a relaxed night... i didn't.

i like responsible people. i therefore conclude, i hate irresponsible people. sorry for hating. but, that's it. i hate him. i hope these feelings will go away. Lord, help po...

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