Senin, 11 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown |
i was able to dig some of our earliest pictures!

probably my first visit to your house ca. 2005

a pic at the moa area - off to watch the pyro olympics with my family ca. 2005

dinner with your parents ca. 2005

this is us now! chubby cheeks and tummies with baby fat. hahaha.

at 2 years, we could say that our marriage is still in a stage of infancy. the last 2 years were tough. tough because we could not get what we want, and that is to be physically together. while the regular couples enjoy this early honeymoon stage, we were busy struggling to make ends meet.

the bad news is: marriage isn't all about years of convenience, sweetness, and golden spoons.

the good news is: marriage does not promise years of hardship and challenges ONLY.

i believe it's a mix of both, and this is what will make us stronger - both as a couple and as individuals.

cheers to compromises - and to no compromises.
cheers to robbed opportunities of enjoyment.
cheers to more years made of this.
cheers to tears that are overpowered by laughter.

one day we'll be together again... and it will be more awesome!

your gifts being showcased by keyl. thank you :)

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