Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Posted by Unknown |
- apreciate. appreciate. appreciate the precious clean air. you'll never know when you'll have your last dose of it.

- give thanks for the wind's decision to change its course... but show compassion to people who live where the wind took the haze.

- i've known how to properly wear an N95 mask. sadly, it was a bit too late. i treaded outdoor when the haze was in a hazardous level. and my mask may have been a little loose.

- that we may have masked the smoky smell, but the dangerous micro particles still make it through the lungs - and they stick there! it's the same concept with the asthma inhalers. particles have to be tiny enough so they can reach the lungs. wonder how our lungs look like now and what the effects will be  a few years from now.

- that staples in your bag may change over time. i never thought that an N95 will be a mainstay in my bag. welcome to the family!

- cheap is different from practical. when you are practical, you don't endanger other people's lives. the opposite happens when you are cheap. you even cripple an entire country! why burn? why?

- checking the psi level every hour is essential.

- bau. it's always bau.

hazy afternoon with 2km visibility

the 730am sun di makaporma

not too obvious in the pic, but haze was terrible here! parang may nagsisiga na hindi ka makaiwas sa usok ng siga.

all windows and doors shut. suffocating.

the loose mask 

and one of the better days!

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