Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Posted by Unknown | File under :

during our honeymoon in boracay, mike borrowed his papa's digicam - a sony w370. i could tell my father-in-law (sometimes it still feels weird to say that i have a father-in-law and a mother-in-law now) fancies the cam so much as it has a panorama shot, and a high pixel pixel chuva.

so the unthinkable happens during the honeymoon - we broke the camera! wow! how do you break a camera during your honeymoon? simple: take it by the poolside, don't bring a tripod. instead, put it carelessly on a beach table, set the timer, run, and pose like crazy. voila! the camera will fall lens first. it's like suicide and you fall head first. no escaping death that way. we both stared in shock and the first image that flashed in my mind was papa's face and how happy he is when moments are captured by THAT camera. i am a firm believer of miracles and so we still tried to turn it on. uh oh. lens won't retract.

ok, miracles are out of the question. maybe we could try luck? yup, we resorted to luck and looked for a camera repair shop in boracay. luck leaned on our side as we saw a shop and they guaranteed that they can make it work. it was a mere taste test of luck because when we got back the next day, they told us the bad news that they can't fix it.

with heavy hearts, we tried to delay the revelation of the bad news. christmas passed and we were using my own digicam to take pictures. papa wasn't suspicious so all was well. we were the most unfortunate newly weds, i should say. even the sony service center can't help that much. the lens will have to be replaced and the cost is almost the same when you buy a new unit.

we finally had to break the news on the eve of new year. we can't keep on carrying this burden forever. we chose to tell mama. mike said we could leave the pacifying-papa part to mama. mama is ever gracious and took the news well. no questions asked, no scolding, just love :)

up to this day, we never asked mama how she told papa. we just left her with the promise of replacing the camera as soon as we can. and today is the historical day of the IT show. the moment i've been waiting for :) sweet.

i bought a different model, w510. i really, really think that it's a good deal at 199 SGD. freebies include 2 mem sticks, a mini tripod, a cam case, an extra battery. what more can we ask for? life is sweet. dear papa, your camera is coming soon. with the panorama and the high pixel pixel chuva. yay! oh, and sorry for the broken cam... it broke during our honeymoon.

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