Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Posted by Unknown | File under :

jan is one of the most generous persons i know. she's currently reading "a love worth giving" by max lucado. she raves about it everyday. since she likes it so much, she bought another copy and gave it to me. awww. i haven't started reading it yet but i'm excited!

at the back of the book, it says: "loving people isn't easy" -- indeed! i could think of a couple of acquaintances now and i could say that i don't love them. i may even hate them at times. :)) or let's just say i find it difficult to like them. they may feel the same way about me, for all i know! hahaha! it's more of an "internal" dislike because i usually try my best to not show it.

oh, the hubby thing is another issue. i am still guilty of sleeping with unresolved grudges. while mike forgives so easily, i feel i need x number of hours before i feel ok and say, "ok, we're ok." until then, don't talk to me, i won't talk to you, i will keep on insisting that nothing is wrong even if you ask - which is bad. i know. but i find it really hard. as in. i'm not saying it's right. i just find it hard to be ok when i'm not ok. i'll learn the art of fixing-what-needs-to-be-fixed-before-the-day-ends. i promise i'll practice.

reading the book soon! thanks to jan for the gift of good vibes! i'm a bad girl and i want to be a better person. hahaha!

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